Performance and calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
A.J. Gomez Delegido* on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 17, 2022
Published on:
May 12, 2022
The Tile Hadronic Calorimeter covers the central region of the ATLAS experiment. Wavelength-shifting fibers carry the light from active plastic scintillator tiles interspersed with steel absorber plates to photomultiplier tubes. Analogue response of the photomultipliers are amplified, shaped, and digitized by a front-end electronics system that samples the signal from about 10000 channels every 25 ns and stores the data on detector until a trigger decision is received. The dynamic range of each tile covers from 30 MeV to 2 TeV. Each step of the process - from collection of scintillation light to signal reconstruction is monitored and calibrated. During LHC Run-2, high-momentum isolated muons and isolated hadrons were used to calibrate the electromagnetic and hadronic response, respectively. The time resolution was studied with multi-jet events. Results of performance studies that address calibration, stability, energy scale, uniformity and time resolution are summarized.
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