Now that the Fermilab muon $g-2$ experiment has released the results of its Run-1 data, which agrees with the results of the Brookhaven experiment, one can examine the potential of simple extensions to explain the combined $4.2\sigma$ discrepancy between the SM prediction and experiment. This proceeding examines a single-, two-, and three-field extension of the standard model and examines their ability to explain the muon $g-2$ anomaly, and where possible, produce a dark matter candidate particle with the observed relic density. This is based on work carried out for Ref. [1]. It is found that one can only explain the $a_\mu$ discrepancy whilst avoiding dark matter and collider constraints when the contributions from BSM fields benefit from a chirality flip enhancement. However, in general without small couplings and/or large masses, these models can be heavily constrained by collider and dark matter experiments.
[1] Athron P, Balázs C, Jacob D H, Kotlarski W, Stöckinger D and Stöckinger-Kim H 2021 (Preprint 2104.03691)