Precise LHC limits on the $U_1$ leptoquark parameter space
A. Bhaskar*, D. Das, T. Mandal, S. Mitra and C. Neeraj
Pre-published on:
February 24, 2022
Published on:
May 12, 2022
A TeV scale leptoquark (LQ) is one of the promising explanations of the recent anomalies in the semileptonic decays of $B$ mesons. Among the various LQs, the vector $\rm{U}_1$ is capable of explaining the anomalies in both $R_{D^{(*)}}$ and $R_{K^{(*)}}$ observables. We use the current LHC data to put bounds on the parameter space of $\rm{U}_1$ relevant for the anomalies. Precise bounds are drawn by recasting the latest $\tau\tau$ and $\mu\mu$ searches by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations. We find that it is imperative to include the resonant production modes for obtaining limits in the low mass regions. For higher mass points, the non-resonant production modes play a dominant role.
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