Implications of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment for 3-3-1 Models
Y. S. Villamizar*, F.S. Queiroz, Á.S. de Jesus, S. Kovalenko and C.A. de S. Pires
Pre-published on:
March 01, 2022
Published on:
May 12, 2022
Currently, studying the effects of new particles contributing to muon anomalous magnetic moment ($g-2$) through virtual loops as evidence for new physics beyond the standard model attracts high interest. Therefore, we present the results of the Implications to g-2 to five models based on the gauge symmetry $\text{SU(3)}_{\text{C}} \times \text{SU(3)}_{\text{L}} \times \text{U(1)}_{\text{X}}$ (3-3-1). We consider a current and projected accuracy to the g-2 experiment at FERMILAB to analyze these implications. In this way, we obtain the new $Z^\prime$ and $W^\prime$ gauge bosons' lower mass bounds in models 3-3-1 that contribute to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. Then, discuss like the analyzed models could accommodate $g-2$ according to the LHC bounds.
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