The Higgsstrahlung process as a Higgs boson production mechanism at a lepton collider
provides access to a high-purity Higgs boson sample.
The Higgs branching ratios can be measured simultaneously
by analysing the data inclusively.
For this purpose, we divide the sample into classes that
distinguish reasonably well between the Higgs decay modes.
These class counts are associated to the Higgs branching ratios through a
model-independent fit.
The fit provides an estimate for each of the Higgs branching ratios with
the full matrix of statistical correlations between the channels.
These are pure branching ratio measurements,
independent of any Higgs production mode cross section measurement.
We present a study on data simulated for the ILD concept
at the International Linear Collider (ILC) at 250 GeV center-of-mass energy.