Probing New Physics with heavy hadron decays
F. De Fazio*, P. Colangelo and F. Loparco
Pre-published on:
February 24, 2022
Published on:
May 12, 2022
The increasing number of flavour anomalies calls for the investigation of new processes where tensions similar to the observed ones could emerge. Observables sensitive to physics beyond the Standard Model need to be identified. We discuss the inclusive semileptonic decays of polarized beauty baryons, computed through the heavy quark expansion at ${\cal O}(1/m_b^3)$ and at the leading order in $\alpha_s$. We account for New Physics interactions in a model-independent way, extending the Standard Model $b \to U \ell {\bar \nu}_ \ell$ low energy Hamiltonian (with $U=u,\,c$ and $\ell=e,\,\mu,\,\tau$) with the inclusion of the full set of D=6 semileptonic operators with left-handed neutrinos. We identify a set of promising observables, the study of which can be included in the physics programmes of future facilities, such as FCC-ee.
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