Latest measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters with the T2K experiments and its future plans
S. Dolan* and  On behalf of the T2K collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 07, 2022
Published on: May 12, 2022
Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) is a long baseline neutrino experiment which uses the proton beam at the Japan Particle Accelerator Research Centre (JPARC) to produce a beam of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos. T2K determines neutrino oscillation parameters of interest by comparing the measured neutrino rate and spectrum at a near detector complex, located at JPARC, and at Super-Kamiokande, a water-Cherenkov detector, located 295 km away. T2K is currently undergoing major improvements: the JPARC neutrino beam is increasing in power, the Super-Kamiokande detector has been loaded with 0.02% of Gadolinium, enabling enhanced neutron tagging; and a significant upgrade of the ND280 near detector is scheduled for installation in 2022/23. These proceedings summarise T2K's latest measurements of neutrino oscillations and detail some of the planned improvements, with particular focus on the upcoming near detector upgrade
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