ATLAS + CMS searches for third generation SUSY particles
D. Spitzbart* on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations
Pre-published on:
October 20, 2021
Published on:
November 17, 2021
Recent highlights of searches for supersymmetric partners of the top and bottom quark (top and bottom squark) in a variety of final states are presented. The ATLAS and CMS collaborations have published a large range of results using the respective proton-proton collision data at 13 TeV collected during the LHC Run 2. No significant deviations from the expected SM background rates are observed. Stringent constraints on top and bottom squark masses have been placed, reaching up to 1.3 TeV for some simplified models with a massless lightest neutralino (LSP). These limits are decreased for models with smaller mass splitting between the third generation squarks and the LSP as well as models involving cascade decays or R-parity violating couplings. Interpretations in terms of leptoquark or simplified dark matter models highlight the impact of these results beyond SUSY models.
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