The ATLAS Collaboration has performed several analyses of nucleon structure and soft QCD.
This review gives a concise summary of selected topics. New results with ATLAS W+jets and Z+jets data improve Quantum Chromo Dynamics proton Parton Distribution Functions. Single dissociative (soft QCD) reactions and re-scattering are probed in photon-induced di-lepton production with a forward proton tag. A comparison of measurements with predictions of $gg\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ production and dissociative reactions in light-by-light scattering and di-muon production in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions is presented. Inclusive single diffractive dissociation cross-section and a comparison with event generator predictions are reviewed. Properties of Underlying Event are determined by measuring charged-particle distributions in events containing $Z$ bosons decaying into a muon pair. There are various opportunities for co-operations with phenomenologists.