Performance optimizations for porting the openQ*D package to GPUs
R. Gruber*, A. Kozhevnikov, M. Marinkovic, T.C. Schulthess and R. Solcà
Pre-published on:
June 27, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
OpenQ$^\star$D code has been used by the RC$^\star$ collaboration for the generation of fully dynamical QCD+QED gauge configurations with C$^\star$ boundary conditions. In this talk, optimization of solvers provided with the openQ$^\star$D package relevant for porting the code on GPU-accelerated supercomputing platforms is discussed. We present the analysis of the current implementations of the GCR solver preconditioned with Schwarz alternating procedure for ill-conditioned Dirac-operators. With the goal of enabling support for GPUs from various vendors, a novel method of adaptive CPU/GPU-hybrid implementation is proposed.
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