Looking at the analytic structure of Landau gauge propagators
O. Oliveira*, A.F. Falcão and P.J. Silva
Pre-published on:
May 16, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
We report on a study of the analytical structure of the Landau gauge gluon, ghost and quark propagators taken from lattice simulations using large physical volumes, to better access the IR region, and large gauge ensembles to reduce the statistical uncertainties. The investigation uses Pad\'e approximants to look at poles and branch cuts for each of the propagators. For the gluon propagator we identify complex conjugate poles and a branch point. For the ghost propagator the procedure identifies a pole at zero momentum and a branch point for Minkowski-like momenta. The quark propagator appears to have a pole for Minkowski-like momenta that is correlated with the pion mass as expected from PCAC.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.396.0457
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