$K \to \pi\pi$ decay matrix elements at the physical point with periodic boundary conditions
M. Tomii*, T. Blum, D. Hoying, T. Izubuchi, L. Jin, C. Jung and A. Soni
Pre-published on:
May 16, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
We calculate $K\to\pi\pi$ matrix elements using periodic boundary conditions as an independent calculation from our previous study with G-parity boundary conditions. We present our preliminary results for $K\to\pi\pi$ three-point functions and matrix elements on a $24^3, a^{-1} = 1$ GeV, $2+1$-flavor Mobius DWF ensemble at physical pion and kaon masses generated by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations and discuss the prospect for high-precision computation of $\varepsilon'$ with periodic boundary conditions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.396.0394
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