Numerical simulation of self-dual U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic matter
M. Anosova*, C. Gattringer, N. Iqbal and T. Sulejmanpasic
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: May 16, 2022
Published on: July 08, 2022
We study a recently proposed formulation of U(1) lattice field theory with electric and magnetic
matter based on the Villain formulation. This discretization allows for a duality that gives rise to
relations between weak and strong gauge coupling. There exists a self-dual value of the gauge
coupling where one may study the model as a function of the remaining matter coupling. Using
Monte Carlo simulations based on a worldline/worldsheet representation of the system we evaluate order parameters for spontaneous breaking of self-duality. We find that in some interval of the
matter coupling self-duality becomes broken spontaneously. We determine the endpoints of this
interval and study the nature of the corresponding critical points. Finally we explore the system
away from the self-dual gauge coupling and show that when crossing the self-dual point a first
order jump is seen in the order parameters.
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