Using classical bit-flip correction for error mitigation in quantum computations including 2-qubit correlations
K. Jansen*, C. Alexandrou, L. Funcke, T. Hartung, S. Kuehn, G. Polykratis, P. Stornati and X. Wang
Pre-published on:
May 16, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
We present an error mitigation scheme which corrects
readout errors on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers [1,2]. After a short review of applying the
method to one qubit, we proceed to discuss the case
when correlations between different qubits occur. We demonstrate how the readout error can be mitigated
in this case. By performing
experiments on IBMQ hardware, we show that such correlations do not
have a strong effect on the results, justifying to neglect them.
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