Critical exponents for a spin-charge flip symmetric fixed point in 2+1d with massless Dirac fermions
Pre-published on:
May 16, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
In the Hamiltonian picture, free spin-$1/2$ Dirac fermions on a bipartite lattice have an $O(4)$ (spin-charge) symmetry. Here we construct an interacting lattice model with an interaction $V$, which is similar to the Hubbard interaction but preserves the spin-charge flip symmetry. By tuning the coupling $V$, we show that we can study the phase transition between the massless fermion phase at small-$V$ and a massive fermion phase at large-$V$. We construct a fermion bag algorithm to study this phase transition and find evidence for it to be second order. Numerical study shows that the universality class of the transition is different from the one studied earlier involving the Hubbard coupling $U$. Here we obtain some critical exponents using lattices up to $L=48$.
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