Researchers working in lattice field theory constitute an
established community since the early 1990s, and around the same
time the online open-access e-print repository {\tt arXiv} was
created. The fact that this field has a specific
arXiv section, {\tt hep-lat}, provides a unique opportunity for a
statistical study of its evolution over the last three decades.
We present data for the number of entries, $E$, published papers, $P$,
and citations, $C$, in total and separated by nations. We compare them
to 6 other {\tt arXiv} sections,
and to socio-economic indices of the nations involved, namely
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Education Index (EI).
We present rankings, which are based either on the Hirsch Index $H$,
or on the linear combination $\Sigma = E + P + 0.05 C$. We consider
both extensive and intensive national statistics, {\it i.e.}\
absolute and relative to the population or to the GDP.