PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 396 - The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2021) - Poster
SU(2) gauge theory with $N_f = 24$ quarks at non-zero mass
A. Salami*, J. Rantaharju, T. Rindlisbacher, K. Rummukainen and K. Tuominen
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Pre-published on: May 16, 2022
Published on: July 08, 2022
We study SU(2) gauge field theory with $N_f=24$ quarks. The theory is asymptotically non-free and, at vanishing quark mass, governed by a Gaussian fixed point at long distances. On the other hand, at non-zero quark mass the quarks are expected to decouple at long distances and the system behaves like confining pure gauge SU(2) theory. We study the mass spectrum of the theory as the quark mass is varied and obtain scaling laws for meson masses and string tension. We also measure the evolution of the coupling constant at non-zero quark mass with gradient flow method. We observe unambiguously the decoupling of the quarks with the associated change of evolution of the coupling constant.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.396.0025
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