Interpretation of the spectral inhomogeneity in the 10TV region in terms of a close source
V. Yurovsky*, I. Kudryashov, F. Gasratov and V. Latonov
Pre-published on:
August 10, 2021
Published on:
March 18, 2022
The description of the inhomogeneity of the cosmic ray spectrum in the region of 10 TV, which is observed in experimental data, in terms of isotropic diffusion from a single close source is considered. It is shown that such a description is possible, the area of possible localization of the source in space and time, its energy is found. The method of penalty functions is used to account for the data on the spectrum of all particles.The calculation of the anisotropy of the diffusion tensor for the energy range of interest in the galactic magnetic field is also shown.
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