Cosmic@Web is an online learning resource developed at DESY in Zeuthen, Germany as part of
the outreach activities in the framework of Netzwerk Teilchenwelt. Via Cosmic@Web, high school
and university students can access data from astroparticle physics experiments and experience
the workflow of scientific research in this field by pursuing their own or suggested research
questions. Data from various experiments located in different areas of the world can be used to
study cosmic weather effects and muon properties. The analysis can be performed without any
coding experience. The graphical interface allows to visualize data in several plot types and offers
possibilities of data fitting as well as data reduction and correction. So far, Cosmic@Web has
been used by German high school students during internships at research institutes like DESY, for
a research component as part of their high school degree as well as within projects in software
development and coding. Additionally, connections to established contents of high school physics
curricula will be pointed out and the design of a Cosmic@Web workshop for high school students
and teachers will be presented. Furthermore, the acceptance of the tool by students and teachers
as well as their feedback during and after its introduction in the workshops will be discussed.