Outreach and Education was included within the programme of the $37^{th}$ International Cosmic Ray Conference in 2021, the first time it has been in the 74 year history of this conference series. 40 abstracts were submitted for the topic, and presentations were delivered in two sessions under the themes of 'Outreach Online' and 'Schools and Tools'. This paper summarises the contents of the rapporteur talk that was given in a plenary session to accompany these contributions. It does not try to précis all the individual contributions, instead it identifies common themes, ideas and issues when delivering science outreach. Outreach often involves education, but not always.
Five themes were identified: Facilities, Funding Agencies, Experiments, Communication and Inspiration. The last of these – Inspiration – does not necessarily directly involve the science, whereas the others do. Outreach is now an integral part of the scientific endeavour, and in the fields of the ICRC has been delivered to audiences ranging from scientists within the presenter's field to the public at large (whatever that actually is). The paper also includes some reflections on matters that should be considered before embarking on outreach, such as being clear about the audience you are trying to reach, as well as on the challenges of evaluating the effectiveness of outreach programmes.