ACSC2020 - (other acsc conferences)
14-16 September 2020
Vienna - Austria
published April 12, 2021
Entries on ADS

For the sixth time, almost 300 citizen science enthusiasts, researchers, students, practitioners, met at this transdisciplinary conference to exchange ideas, gain new experiences and present the results of their studies. "Citizen Science: Ambitions and Meaning" was the motto of this year's conference, and the truly diverse programme showed us that this motto resonated well with the citizen science communities in the German-speaking countries, and not only there, but also far beyond. Participants joined online from the USA, Brazil, Spain, Sweden and England, among others. The conference was organised in cooperation with the University of Vienna, Österreich forscht, the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, the Centre for Citizen Science, Bürger schaffen Wissen and Schweiz forscht. Funding was provided by the Federal Ministry for Science Education and Research, the Municipal Department for Environmental Protection of the City of Vienna (MA22) and by the Ludwig Boltzmann Society.

Especially in these times, when science appears in the media as it rarely has before, it was important to talk about the ambitions and the meaning of citizen science.

Editorial Board:
Didone Frigerio, Konrad Lorenz Research Center for Behaviour and Cognition, University of Vienna, Grünau im Almtal, Austria
Daniel Dörler, Institute of Zoology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria

Editorial Board

  • Florian Heigl
    University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020
Citizen Science as a Bridge to the Violence Prevention in the Social Field School
Fostering weather and climate literacy among pupils by engagement in a weather citizen science project
T. Kox, M. Göber, B. Wentzel, E. Freundl and H. Rust
What’s love (not) got to do with it. How to pair sexuality- and relationship research with citizen science.
S.F. Ossmann
'Let's talk about science!' A report on the ÖCSK workshop about making science communication attractive for academics
B. Heinisch, R. Stocker and E. Topitz
Ambitions and relevance of the citizen humanities
B. Heinisch
Empowerment and participation by the means of Citizen Science – Methodological approaches and experiences from projects in rural areas
M. Gruber and G. Hagendorfer-Jauk
Recognizing failures in citizen science projects: Lessons learned
F. Westreicher, M. Cieslinski, M. Ernst, D. Frigerio, B. Heinisch, T. Hübner and J. Rüdisser
Professional monitoring - A basis for citizen science projects with sustainable impact?
J. Siebert, N. Eder, E. Kmetova-Biro and R. Zink
The relevance of a digital platform for the citizen science project NestCams
J. Rittenschober, V. Püringer-Sturmayr and D. Frigerio
Digital project meets analog community – Expectations and experiences of a digital citizen science project on GDR history
A.R. Haumann and R. Smolarski
The diversity of participants of the Austrian Citizen Science Conference from 2015-2020
D. Dörler and F. Heigl
How to reach and engage social minorities - a look back on a successful involvement of pupils from all social classes
A.L. Mädge, I. Pollak and B. Schrank
Early Career Researchers’ Perspective on Citizen Science
P. Biberhofer, B. Lembke and S. Tönsmann
The data management plan - the common thread through the project. DMP consulting at the University of Vienna
S. Blumesberger
Science meets Practice – Practice meets Science: Intervention Research as "Method" for Citizen Science?
I. Paul-Horn
Citizen Science in Educational Institutions: does it require pedagogical embedment?
V. Miczajka, T. Hübner, F. Böttcher, V. van den Bogaert and K. Lange-Schubert
‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’. Strategies and reflections on including co-researchers.
V. Wöhrer, T. Buchner, N. Kerschhofer-Puhalo, B. Kieslinger, K. Mayer, S. Stefanie, B. Streicher and S. Truckenbrodt
Natural science education – a claim for equality, diversity and inclusion in Citizen Science activities
B. Neuböck-Hubinger, K. Grubner, D. Frigerio and K. Hirschenhauser
INSIGNIA: Beekeepers as citizen scientists investigate the environment of their honey bees
R. Brodschneider, K. Gratzer, N.L. Carreck, F. Vejsnaes and J. van der Steen
SAMS - participatory development of smart apicultural management services in Ethiopia and Indonesia
K. Gratzer, A.M. Paramita, K. Proschek, M. Sperl, Y. Alemayehu, S. Fiedler and R. Brodschneider
Art in Science and Science in Art - reflections through the lense of Citizen Science.
C. Marizzi and P. Bartar
BioBus – Driving Community Science & Education
C. Marizzi, R. Frawley, A. Pirovano, T. Hirschfeld-Stoler, F. Anselmi, R. Heydari, L. Wright and B.J. Dubin-Thaler
The characteristics of citizen science in a fishbowl
G. Hager, B. Kieslinger, S. Hecker and M. Haklay
Citizen Science - An examination from the viewpoint of an ordinary person
G. Weiss Diversity and distribution of fungi in Austria. Let us search for fungi, take pictures, document them and thereby contribute to biodiversity research
I. Krisai-Greilhuber
Is this innovative? - Changes strengthen the importance of Citizen Science!
G. Prystav and F. Becker