The purpose of the BEAUTY conference series is to review results in the field of B-physics and CP-violation, as well as to explore the physics potential of existing and upcoming B-physics experiments at the frontier machines. The conference will have a mixture of presentations from theory, phenomenology, and experimental results on topics including CP violation, rare decays, spectroscopy, and production of heavy flavored B and charmed hadrons.
Main session |
LHCb: Status and Prospects on the b Anomalies
Anomalies in $b\to s \ell\ell$ transitions and Global Fits
Measurement of time-dependent $C\!P$ violation in $B$-meson decays at LHCb
First measurements from charmless푩decays at Belle II
ATLAS: Update on CP-Violation Measurements in Bs to J/psi phi Decay
CP violation with $\mathrm{B^{0}_{s}} \to \mathrm{J}/\psi\phi(1020)$ decays in CMS
Theory: Angular Distributions in Rare B Decays
Radiative and electroweak penguin decay at Belle II
Rare $B$ decay analyses at Belle
Rare $B-$Decays: An Update from the ATLAS Experiment
Rare B decays at CMS
Theory: Semileptonic B Decays and $|V_{xb}|$ update
Belle II: Measurement of b to u l nu
Theory: Heavy-Flavor Transport and Hadronization in the QGP
CMS: Recent Results on Heavy Flavor Production with the CMS Experiment
Charm mixing and CPviolation at LHCb
Theory Overview of Heavy Exotic Spectroscopy
CMS: New Results in Conventional and Exotic Spectroscopy
LHCb: Exotic Spectroscopy
Test of the Tau and Muon Lepton Universality in $W$ Boson Decays from $t\bar{t}$ in ATLAS
KOTO: Status and Prospects
Updated Standard Model Prediction for $K \to \pi \nu \bar{\nu}$ and $\epsilon_K$
Recent results from the NA62 experiment
Physics Program of the Super Tau-Charm Factory
ATLAS: HL-LHC Upgrades and B-Physics Measurements
Workshop Summary and Vision for Flavor Physics