Volume 390 - 40th International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2020) - Parallel: Astro-particle Physics and Cosmology
Baikal-GVD: status and first results
G. Safronov*, A.D. Avrorin, A.V. Avrorin, V.M. Aynutdinov, Z. Bardačová, R. Bannasch, I.A. Belolaptikov, V.B. Brudanin, N.M. Budnev, G.V. Domogatsky, E. Eckerová, T.V. Elzhov, L. Fajt, S.V. Fialkovsky, A.R. Gafarov, K.V. Golubkov, N.S. Gorshkov, T.I. Gress, R.A. Ivanov, M.S. Katulin, K.G. Kebkal, O.G. Kebkal, E.V. Khramov, M.M. Kolbin, K.V. Konischev, K.A. Kopański, A.V. Korobchenko, A.P. Koshechkin, V.A. Kozhin, M.K. Kryukov, M.V. Kruglov, V.F. Kulepov, M.B. Milenin, R.R. Mirgazov, D.V. Naumov, V. Nazari, W. Noga, D.P. Petukhov, E.N. Pliskovsky, M.I. Rozanov, V.D. Rushay, E.V. Ryabov, G.B. Safronov, B.A. Shaybonov, M.D. Shelepov, F. Šimkovic, A.V. Skurikhin, A.G. Solovjev, M.N. Sorokovikov, I. Štekl, E.O. Sushenok, O.V. Suvorova, V.A. Tabolenko, B.A. Tarashansky, Y.V. Yablokova, S. Yakovlev and D.N. Zaborov𝑎et al. (click to show)
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: December 07, 2020
Published on: April 15, 2021
Baikal-GVD is a cubic-kilometer scale deep-underwater neutrino detector being constructed in Lake Baikal. It is designed to detect neutrinos from $\sim$100 GeV to multi-PeV energies and beyond. Detector deployment began in Spring 2015. Since April 2020 the detector includes seven 8-string clusters carrying in total 2016 optical modules located at depths from 750 to 1275 meters. By the end of the first phase of detector construction in 2024 it is planned to deploy 15 clusters, reaching the effective volume for high-energy cascade detection of 0.75 km$^3$. The design and status of the Baikal-GVD detector and first results of data analysis are presented in this report.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.390.0606
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