We report on a benchmark calculation of the in-medium radiative energy loss of low-virtuality jet partons within the EPOS3-Jet framework. The radiative energy loss is based on an extension of the Gunion-Bertsch matrix element for a massive projectile and a massive radiated gluon. On top of that, the coherence (LPM effect) is implemented by assigning a formation phase to the trial radiated gluons in a fashion similar to the approach by Zapp, Stachel and Wiedemann. In a calculation with a simplified radiation kernel, we reproduce the radiation spectrum reported in that approach. The radiation spectrum produces the LPM behaviour $dI/d\omega\propto\omega^{-1/2}$ up to an energy $\omega=\omega_c$, when the formation length of radiated gluons becomes comparable to the size of the medium. Beyond $\omega_c$, the radiation spectrum shows a characteristic suppression due to a smaller probability for a gluon to be formed in-medium.
Next, we embed the radiative energy loss of low-virtuality jet partons into a more realistic ``parton gun'' calculation, where a stream of hard partons at high initial energy $E_\text{ini}=100$ GeV and initial virtuality $Q^2=E^2$ passes through a box of QGP medium with a constant temperature. At the end of the box evolution, the partons are hadronized using Pythia 8, and the jets are reconstructed with the FASTJET package. We find that the full jet energy loss in such scenario approaches a ballpark value reported by the ALICE collaboration. However, the calculation uses a somewhat larger value of the coupling constant $\alpha_s$ to compensate for the missing collisional energy loss of the low-virtuality jet partons.