Parton color reconnection in Herwig 7 using a spacetimeevent topology
J. Bellm,
C.B. Duncan,
S. Gieseke,
M. Myska* and
A.K. Siodmok*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
January 12, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
Herwig 7 is a general-purpose Monte Carlo generator of particle collisions comprising both hard perturbative as well as soft phenomenological physics. Herwig is therefore capable to describe the entire final state of hadronized particles in a collision event. A spacetime topology of a parton system entering hadronization is fully described and tested for the first time. A combination of information from particles momenta and spacetime positions is utilized to minimize a boost-invariant distance measure of the parton system. We present a reasonable agreement of the model with a selection of experimental data and conclude that spacetime event topology can be meaningfully used in the further development.
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