Volume 390 - 40th International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2020) - Parallel: Quark and Lepton Flavour Physics
Towards establishing the second b-flavored CKM unitarity triangle
Z.z. Xing* and D. Zhang
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 22, 2021
Published on: April 15, 2021
Some fine differences between the twin $b$-flavored unitarity triangles are calculated by means of a generalized Wolfenstein parametrization of the CKM matrix, and a possibility of experimentally establishing the second triangle is briefly discussed. We find that the apexes of these two triangles, characterized respectively by $(\overline{\rho}, \overline{\eta})$ and $(\widetilde{\rho}, \widetilde{\eta})$, are located on the same circular arc in the complex plane. This observation provides us with a new way to test consistency of the CKM picture of CP violation in the quark sector and probe possible new physics. The differences between the apexes (i.e., $\widetilde{\rho} - \overline{\rho}$ and $\widetilde{\eta} - \overline{\eta}$) are found to be of ${\cal O}(\lambda^2)$ with $\lambda \simeq 0.22$ being the Wolfenstein expansion parameter, and the shapes of these two triangles are found to be insensitive to the two-loop renormalization-group-equation running effects up to the accuracy of ${\cal O}\left(\lambda^4\right)$.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.390.0437
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