Studies of Quantum Mechanical Coherency Effects in Neutrino-Nucleus Elastic Scattering
Pre-published on:
January 13, 2021
Published on:
April 15, 2021
Low energy neutrinos play important role in nuclear and astrophysical processes. Such neutrinos with energy below $\sim$100 MeV are able to scatter off the nucleus via elastic scattering. Neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering ($\nu A_{el}$) provides a unique laboratory to study the quantum mechanical coherency effects in electroweak interactions. We present the detailed study and formulation of coherency effects, relate this to nuclear form factors and experimental cross-section ratios. The parameters chosen to quantify the coherency are universally applicable to different neutrino sources and target nuclei. We characterize how the energy dependence of the coherence factor leads to complementary among measurements at various neutrino sources with different targets. We also provide the constraints on coherency for the first generation discovery measurements of $\nu A_{el}$ with CsI target and theoretical expectations from Argon and Germanium target.
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