HardProbes2020 - (other hardprobes conferences)
1-6 June 2020
Austin, Texas
published September 01, 2021
Entries on ADS

The 10th edition of the International Conference series on Hard and Electromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions was hosted as an online conference from June 1st until June 5th 2020, with a student day on May 31st.
The conference focused on experimental and theoretical developments of perturbative probes of hot and dense QCD matter as studied in high-energy nucleus-nucleus, proton-nucleus and proton-proton collisions.
Specifically, topics for discussion included:

- Nuclear PDFs and hard processes in nuclei
- Early time dynamics
- Jets and their modification in QCD matter
- High momentum hadrons and correlations
- Heavy quarks and quarkonia
- EM and electroweak probes
- Future experimental facilities
- New theoretical developments


Editorial Board

  • Rainer Fries
    Texas A&M University
  • Frank Geurts
    Rice University, Houston TX
  • Christina Markert
    The University of Texas at Austin
  • Claudia Ratti
    University of Houston
conference main image
Flash Talk
Electroweak Probes
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia
Initial State
Jets and High Momentum Hadrons
New Experimental Developments
New Theoretical Developments
Hard Probes 2020
R. Fries, F. Geurts, C. Markert and C. Ratti
LHCb: Recent Results and Future Plans
C. Da Silva and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Overview of STAR Results at Hard Probes 2020
Z. Ye and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Learning about the QCD medium using electromagnetic and weak probes
G. Vujanovic
Electroweak Probes Experimental Overview: TimeEvolution of Electroweak Measurements
Early Time Dynamics and Bulk
A brief walk through: Current status of experimental jet physics
Jets as a probe of the quark-gluon plasma
Jet Substructure
Multi-Parton Interactions and Underlying Event: A PYTHIA Perspective
Effective Field Theories and Lattice for Hard Probes
N. Brambilla
Open Heavy Flavor: Theory
Quarkonia: Theory
A.P. Chen and Y.Q. Ma
Quarkonium: Experimental Overview
Electroweak Physics: Summary
R. Chatterjee
Initial State Summary of Hard Probes 2020
Summary: Jets and High-pT
J. Bielcikova
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia
Flash Talk
Probing jet medium interactions via $Z$+jet momentum imbalances
L. Chen, S.y. Wei and H.z. Zhang
Untangling the evolution of heavy ion collisions using direct photon interferometry
O. Garcia Montero, N. Löher, A. Mazeliauskas, K. Reygers and J. Berges
Nuclear modification factor of electrons from open beauty-hadron decays in Pb–Pb collisions at√sNN=5.02 TeV with ALICE
J. Park and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Measurement of semi-inclusive jet fragmentation functions in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV in STAR
S. Oh and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Disentangling Jet Modification
J. Brewer, Q. Brodsky and K. Rajagopal
Electroweak Probes
Electroweak probes in heavy-ion collisions with ATLAS
I. Grabowska-Bold and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Event-plane decorrelation of photons produced in the early stage of heavy-ion collisions
C. Gale, J.F. Paquet, B. Schenke and C. Shen
PHENIX results on direct photon production from Au+Au collisions
V. Canoa Roman
Measurements of dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}$ = 27 and 54.4 GeV with the STAR experiment
Z. Wang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Evidence of shadowing in inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section
K. Eskola, I. Helenius, M. Kuha and H. Paukkunen
Low-mass dielectron measurements in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
D. Sekihata and  on behalf of the ATLAS and ALICE collaborations
Production of W+jets in Relativistic heavy-ion collisions
S.L. Zhang, X.N. Wang and B.W. Zhang
The NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS: physics goals and prospects
E. Scomparin and  on behalf of the NA60+ Collaboration
Photon-jet correlations in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions using JETSCAPE framework
C. Sirimanna and  on behalf of the JETSCAPE Collaboration
Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia
Heavy Flavor Kinematic Correlations in Cold Nuclear Matter
Open heavy-flavour production from small to large collision systems with ALICE at the LHC
F. Catalano and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Open heavy-flavor production in pPb collisions at LHCb
J. Wang and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Cold Nuclear Matter Effects on J/$\psi$ and $\Upsilon$ Productions at RHIC with the STAR Experiment
Z. Zhang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Transport coefficients from in medium quarkonium dynamics
M.A. Escobedo Espinosa
Study of heavy-flavor jets in a transport approach
W. Ke, X.N. Wang, W. Fan and S.A. Bass
New PHENIX Results on Mid-Rapidity Bottom and Charm Production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 200 GeV
A. Khatiwada and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Coupled Transport Equations for Quarkonium Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
X. Yao, W. Ke, Y. Xu, S.A. Bass and B. Mueller
Measurement of D$^\pm$ meson production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment
J. Vanek and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Multiplicity dependence of $D$ and $J/\psi$ production in small collision systems
Y.Q. Ma, T. Stebel, R. Venugopalan and K. Watanabe
Probing the multi-scale dynamical interaction between heavy quarks and the QGP using JETSCAPE
W. Fan, G. Vujanovic and  on behalf of the JETSCAPE Collaboration
Directed flow induced by electromagnetic fields in heavy ion collisions
Y. Sun, S. Plumari and V. Greco
Production of $D_{s}^{\pm}$ mesons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV by STAR
F. Chuan and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Directed, elliptic and triangular flow of D mesons in ALICE
S. Trogolo and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
$J/\psi$ production in jets in p+p collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 500 GeV by STAR
Q. Yang and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Quarkonia production in pPb collisions
Ó. Boente García and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Z production in pPb collisions at LHCb
H. Li and  on behalf of the LHCb collaboration
Charmed-baryon production and hadronization studies with ALICE
C. Hills and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Measurements of nuclear modification factors of $B_{S}^{0}$ and $B^{+}$ mesons in PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment
Z. Shi and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
X(3872) Transport at the LHC
B. Wu, X. Du, M. Sibila and R. Rapp
Study of charm hadronization via $\Lambda_c$ and $D_s$ production in pp and PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment
M. Stojanovic and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Production and azimuthal anisotropy of muons from heavy flavor decays in small and large systems with ATLAS
Q. Hu and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Open charm and dileptons from relativistic heavy-ion collisions
E. Bratkovskaya, T. Song, P. Moreau and C. Greiner
Measurements of electron production from heavy flavor decays in p+p and Au+Au collisions at√sNN= 200 GeV at STAR
Y. Zhou and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Heavy-flavour observables within a (3+1)D transport approach
A. Beraudo, A. De Pace, M. Monteno, M. Nardi and F. Prino
Measurement of quarkonium polarization in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE
L. Micheletti and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Theoretical approaches to describe open charm hadronproduction in heavy-ion collisions
Radial profile of heavy quarks in jets in high-energy nuclear collisions
S. Wang, W. Dai, B.W. Zhang and E. Wang
Heavy-flavour studies with a high-luminosity fixed-target experiment at the LHC
B. Trzeciak, S.J. Brodsky, G. Cavoto, M.G. Echevarria, E.G. Ferreiro, C. Hadjidakis, R. Haque, I. Hrivnácová, D. Kikola, A. Klein, A. Kurepin, A. Kusina, J.P. Lansberg, C. Lorcé, F. Lyonnet, Y. Makdisi, L. Massacrier, S. Porteboeuf, C. Quintans, A. Rakotozafindrabe, P. Robbe, W. Scandale, I. Schienbein, J. Seixas, H.S. Shao, A. Signori, N. Topilskaya, A. Uras, J. Wagner, N. Yamanaka, Z. Yang, A. Zelenski, C. DaSilva and C. VanHulse
Initial State
Evidence for top quark production in nucleus-nucleuscollisions
G. Krintiras and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Exclusive J/ψ photoproduction off deuteron in d+Au ultra-peripheral collisions at STAR
Z. Tu and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Dipole model at Next-to-Leading Order meets HERA data
G. Beuf, H. Hänninen, T. Lappi and H. Mäntysaari
Finite Nc corrections in the Balitsky-Kovchegov equation at next-to-leading order
T. Lappi, H. Mäntysaari and A. Ramnath
Measurements of $v_n$ at high-$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ and correlation between $v_n$ and mean-$p_{\mathrm{T}}$ in $p$+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector
T. Bold and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Forward quark jet-nucleus scattering in a light-front Hamiltonian approach
Exploring potential jet modification in small collision systems with two particle correlations at PHENIX
C.P. Wong and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Recent quarkonium measurements in small systems with the ALICE detector at the LHC
M. Guittiere and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
PHENIX results on J/psi from small systems
S. Lim and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Recent ALICE results on photon-induced J/ψ production
V. Pozdniakov and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Measurements of long-range correlations in $\mathrm{\gamma A}$ and $pp$ collisions with ATLAS
B. Seidlitz and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Measurement of electroweak-boson production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE
G. Taillepied and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Semi-inclusive charged jet production dependence on event activity at high backward-rapidity in $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV $p$+Au collisions at STAR
D. Stewart and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Measurement of transverse flow and longitudinal flow decorrelations in $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$=5.44~TeV Xe+Xe collisions with ATLAS
A. Behera and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Kinetic and Chemical Equilibration of Quark-Gluon Plasma
X. Du and S. Schlichting
Importance of Multiplicity Fluctuations in Entropy Scaling
P. Carzon, M. Sievert and J. Noronha-Hostler
Jets and High Momentum Hadrons
Measurement of inclusive jet production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\textrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV by the STAR experiment
R. Licenik and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Jet fragmentation function in heavy-ion collisions
P. Caucal, E. Iancu, A. Mueller and G. Soyez
Full solution of the medium-induced radiation spectrum
C. Andrés Casas, L. Apolinario and F. Dominguez
Jet acoplanarity via hadron+jet measurements in Pb–Pbcollisions at√sNN=5.02 TeV with ALICE
In-medium transverse momentum broadening effects ondi-jet observables
M. Rohrmoser, K. Kutak, A.V. Hameren, W. Płaczek and K. Tywoniuk
Jet quenching and scaling properties of medium-evolved gluon cascade in expanding media
S.P. Adhya, C. Salgado, M. Spousta and K. Tywoniuk
Simple implementation of color coherence for the resumation of soft BDMPS-Z gluons
J. Barata, F. Dominguez, C. Salgado and V. Vila
Measurement of γ+jet and $\pi^{0}$ +jet in central Au+Aucollisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm {NN}}}$= 200 GeV with the STAR experiment
N.R. Sahoo and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Reconstructed Jet Measurements in p+p, d+Au andCu+Au collisions using PHENIX
M. Patel and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
String shoving effects on jets in p-p collisions
S. Chakraborty
Inclusive Jet Measurements in Pb-Pb Collisions at 5.02 TeV with ALICE using Machine Learning Techniques
H. Bossi and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Energy loss and equilibration of jets in a QCD plasma.
S. Schlichting and I. Soudi
Full resummation analysis of jet quenching and tests of the QCD Equation of State
Jet Quenching in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
F. Canedo, J. Noronha-Hostler, J. Noronha, L.B.d.O. Campos and M.G. Munhoz
Jet substructure measurements in pp and Pb–Pbcollisions a $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02$ TeV with ALICE
J. Mulligan and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Dynamical grooming at work: from p+p to Pb+Pb
A. Soto Ontoso
Nuclear modification of full jet energy and jet structure at the LHC energies
N. Chang, G.Y. Qin and Y. Tachibana
Jet substructure in p+p and p+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 200 GeV at STAR
I. Mooney and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
Jet charge modification in dense QCD matter
I. Vitev and H. Li
Investigating Hard Splittings via Jet Substructure in pp and Pb--Pb Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV with ALICE
R. Ehlers and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Jet suppression from small to large radius
Cone-size dependent jet spectrum in heavy-ion collisions
K. Tywoniuk, Y. Mehtar-Tani and D. Pablos
Measurements of groomed heavy-flavour jet substructure with ALICE
V. Kucera and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Constraints on jet quenching from a multi-stage energy-loss approach
C. Park and  on behalf of the JETSCAPE Collaboration
An extraction of jet transport coefficient in cold nuclear matter from world data
P. Ru, Z.B. Kang, E. Wang, H. Xing and B.W. Zhang
Jet quenching in the hadron gas: an exploratory study
H. Elfner, P. Dorau, J.B. Rose and D. Pablos
Search for jet quenching effects in high-multiplicityproton-proton collisions at√s=13TeV
F. Krizek and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
First Results from Hybrid Hadronization in Small and Large Systems
M. Kordell and  on behalf of the JETSCAPE Collaboration
Light meson nuclear modification factor in p-Pb collisions over an unprecedented $p_\mathrm{T}$ range with ALICE
N. Schmidt and  on behalf of the ALICE collaboration
Medium response from mini-jets and in-medium hadronization in relativistic heavy ion collisions
S. Ryu, S. McDonald, C. Shen, S. Jeon and C. Gale
Resolving the spacetime structure of jets with medium
A. Takacs, D. Pablos and K. Tywoniuk
PHENIX results on nuclear modification of hadron production in small and large systems
A. Drees and  On behalf of the PHENIX collaboration
Quantifying the light parton transport properties with jet and hadron $R_{AA}$
T. Dai, S. A. Bass, J.F. Paquet and D. Teaney
Gradient Tomography of Jet Quenching in High-energy Heavy-ion Collisions
Y. He, L. Pang and X.N. Wang
Open and hidden strangeness production study via high pT dihadron correlations in pp and p-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
L.A. Tarasovicova
Calculating the energy loss of leading jets
F. Ringer, D. Neill and N. Sato
Studies of quark-like and gluon-like contributions to jets using jet charge measurements in pp and PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment
D.A. Hangal and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
Measurements of photon- and Z-tagged jet quenching by ATLAS
J. Ouellette and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
A study of $\gamma$-hadron correlation in p + Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02$ TeV
M. Xie, X.N. Wang and H.z. Zhang
Evolution of jet shapes and fragmentation functions in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=200$ GeV with the STAR experiment at RHIC
J. Mazer and  on behalf of the STAR collaboration
New Experimental Developments
Heavy flavor and jet studies for the future Electron-Ion Collider
LHC Run 3 and Run 4 prospects for heavy-ion physics with LHCb
New opportunities in heavy ion physics at HL-LHC with a MIP Timing Detector at the CMS experiment
G. Oh and  on behalf of the CMS Collaboration
STAR Forward Rapidity Upgrade
J. Brandenburg
New Theoretical Developments
Entanglement, partial set of measurements, and diagonality of the density matrix in the parton model
The problem of overlapping formation times: A (nearly) complete result for QCD
S. Iqbal, P. Arnold and T. Gorda
On gauge invariance of transverse momentum dependent distributions at small x
Y. Mehtar-Tani and R. Boussarie
QCD Correlations in Multiple Gluon Bremsstrahlung
Heavy quark radiative energy loss in nuclei within the improved high-twist approach
Lattice calculation of transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ in pure gluon plasma and (2+1)-flavor QCD plasma
A. Kumar, A. Majumder and J. Heinrich Weber
Beyond the wake: non-hydrodynamic response of an expanding Quark-gluon plasma
W. Ke and Y. Yin
Photon-jet production cross section and angular correlations in high energy proton-nucleus collisions
J. Jalilian-Marian
Photon radiation from quark-gluon plasma by means of chiral anomalies without magnetic field