Although the Standard Model successfully explains most phenomena at the LHC, there are several outstanding questions, including the nature of dark matter, the origin of neutrino masses, and the asymmetry in matter and anti-matter abundances in the Universe. Located in the side tunnel TI12, the Forward Search Experiment (FASER) will search for highly displaced signals from light and extremely weakly interacting particles that can be copiously produced in proton-proton collisions at the LHC. After their production at the ATLAS interaction point, light long-lived particles move along the beam collision axis line of sight, and then may decay within the volume of FASER into visible Standard Model particles.
During the current long shutdown, the FASER experiment will complete the hardware and software module production and commissioning and be installed underground. In Run 3 during 2021-2024, the FASER detector will start taking data.
Tsinghua University team produced the Tracker Interlock and Monitoring (TIM) board and the MPOD Interlock (MPODI) board to monitor the condition of the FASER tracker stations. If the temperature exceeds the normal range, the TIM board will send a hardware interlock signal to the LV and HV power supply, and the power supply will be turned off to protect the tracker station. Temperature and humidity data read from TIM will also be sent to DCS for further processing. MPODI monitors the status of chiller and controls the MPOD.