Leptons and photons are not only important for precision physics analyses (e.g. $H\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$), but also are very important handles for a vast number of beyond the Standard Model (BSM) searches.
It is important to have a good understanding about their reconstruction, identification and energy scale and resolution.
This proceeding summarises the lepton and photon performance results from the two multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
\textit{viz.}, ATLAS and CMS, using the full Run 2 dataset.
In addition, CMS has recently performed the re-calibration of the full Run 2 dataset (referred to as the "Legacy ReReco") with improved detector description in the simulation
and updated calibration, alignment etc., in data. Results on electron and photon performances from the Legacy ReReco dataset are shown for the year 2017
and compared with the last available dataset of 2017 (referred to as the "End Of the Year (EOY) ReReco"). In this report, only the results are presented. Detailed description can be found in the references therein.