We present a feasibility study for a new measurement of inclusive branching fraction of $B$ meson decays into a charmed $\Lambda_c$ baryon using Belle data set (eventually expanded to Belle II data set).
According to a recently proposed model baryonic $B$ meson decays could shed light on some of the big unanswered questions, like the nature of dark matter. Baryonic decays of $B$ mesons are, however, still measured with a poor accuracy. A more precise measurement of inclusive $B \rightarrow \Lambda_c$ decay branching fraction could be also useful to gain a better confidence on $B$ meson weak decays treatment.
With help of a newly developed exclusive tagging algorithm, it may be possible to perform a more precise measurement of inclusive $B \rightarrow \Lambda_c$ decay branching fraction using Belle data set and eventually improve the measurement expanding it to Belle II data set.