Flavor at low and high $p_T$
Pre-published on:
February 07, 2020
Published on:
September 09, 2020
I briefly review the various aspects of the fruitful interplay between flavor and high-$p_T$ physics, especially in our ongoing quest to uncover physics beyond the standard model. After elucidating the power of indirect flavor bounds compared to the direct reach of particle colliders, the possibility of flavor safe new physics is discussed. A brief introduction on the flavor probes of the standard model Higgs sector is followed by a detailed account of the numerous intertwined ways in which the persistent experimental anomalies in charged and neutral current mediated B decays interface with direct searches for new degrees of freedom at the LHC. In particular, the counterintuitive notion that SM gauge invariance together with flavor constraints from kaon and charm sectors implies new physics well within the kinematical reach of the LHC and orders of magnitude below the naive effective theory considerations is explained. Explicit illustrative model examples are provided throughout.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.377.0046
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