The conference is the 18th edition in a series initiated in Prague in 1993. The aim of the conference is to review experimental and theoretical advances in heavy flavor physics. Scientific program will cover a wide range of research including studies of CP violation and rare decays in beauty and charm hadrons, their (semi)leptonic decays, production of heavy hadrons, spectroscopy of conventional and exotic states, and searches for New Physics effects. New results from LHCb, Belle II and other experiments will be reviewed, as well as upgraded and new experimental facilities.
Sessions |
Introduction |
CPV B mesons |
Spectroscopy |
Rare decays |
Heavy Flavor Production |
Kaons |
B -> s l l |
Heavy ions |
Semileptonic decays |
Beyond SM |
Charm |
Lifetimes |
Facilities |
Summary |
Posters |
Introduction |
Editorial: Beauty 2019 at Ljubljana, Slovenia
Beauty at High Precision / Sensitivity
CPV B mesons |
CP violation in B decays
CP violation in $B_s^0\rightarrow J/\psi \phi$ in the ATLAS experiment
Measurement of CP violating phase $\phi_s$ at CMS
$\phi_{s}$ status and prospects at LHCb
Quantum-correlated $D\bar{D}$ inputs to CKM angle $\gamma$ from BESIII
Measurements of the CKM angle γ at LHCb
Measurements of CP violation in $B\to DD$ decays
Spectroscopy |
Lattice spectroscopy (focus on exotics)
Search for exotic states in ATLAS: pentaquarks
Heavy flavor spectroscopy results from CMS
Spectroscopy at LHCb - conventional states
Spectroscopy and production of Bc mesons in ATLAS
CMS studies of excited $B_c$ states
Rare decays |
Angular distributions and BSM fits for rare B decays
Bs -> mumu and other rare decays at LHCb
Rare and Semi-rare Decays of Beauty Mesons in ATLAS
Measurement of rare $B \to \mu\mu$ decays and search for $\tau\to 3\mu$ decays at CMS
Rare decays studies using early Belle II data
Radiative decays at LHCb
FCNC in top quark transitions in ATLAS
Charmless b-hadron decays at LHCb
Heavy Flavor Production |
Heavy flavour production in ATLAS: Charmonium production in p− p at 13 TeV and in Pb−Pb collisions. Associated charmonium and vector bosons production.
CMS studies in heavy flavor production
Heavy flavour production at LHCb
Spectroscopy at LHCb - exotic states
Kaons |
Rare kaon decays and CP violation
Recent results in kaon physics
B -> s l l |
Theory status and implications of $R^{(*)}_K$
Angular analysis of $\mathrm{B}\to\mathrm{K}^{(*)}\mu\mu$ decays at CMS
b -> sll and friends (studies with muons) at LHCb
Lepton flavour universality tests in rare $b\to s\ell\ell$ decays
$B\rightarrow K^{(\ast)}ll$ (and$B\rightarrow X_{s}\gamma$) measurements at Belle
Heavy ions |
Heavy Ion Theory
Heavy flavour production in heavy ion collisions
Heavy flavor measurements in heavy ion collisions, LHC Run3+4
Semileptonic decays |
Lattice QCD (focus on Charm and Beauty form factors, R(D*), b- & c-quark masses)
Semileptonic B decays, latest |V_xb| (status and prospects for Belle II)
Theory status and implications of R_D(*) and tau polarisation
Semileptonic b decays at LHCb
$R(D)$ and $R(D^*)$ at Belle
Full 4d angular analysis of B -> D* l nu at BaBar
Beyond SM |
Flavor at low and high $p_T$
Search for dark matter with early Belle II data
Beyond the Standard Model, guided by Lepton Universality
(g-2)μ (and prospects for LFV measurements)
Charm |
Recent results about charm decays at BESIII
Charm decays
Rare charm decays at LHCb
Fighting systematics for Charm CPV at Belle II
$CP$ violation and mixing in charm decays at LHCb
Lifetimes |
Measurements of lifetimes and other b properties at LHCb
Time-dependent studies with early Belle II data
Facilities |
Performance of High-Level Reconstruction at Belle II
Status of LHCb Upgrade I, and prospects for Upgrade II
Belle II status and prospects
Flavour prospects at future colliders, in particular the FCC-ee
Summary |
Beauty 2019 — Conference summary
Posters |
$B_c \rightarrow J/\psi$ Form Factors and $R(J/\psi)$ using Lattice QCD
Aerogel RICH at the Belle II experiment
Search for second-class currents with the $\tau$ decay into $\pi\eta\nu$
Hadronic $B$ decay reconstruction in early Belle II data
Feasibility of inclusive $B \rightarrow \Lambda_{c}$ $ X$ branching fraction measurement and search for baryonic $B$ meson decays with invisible particles