Volume 376 - Corfu Summer Institute 2019 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" (CORFU2019) - Workshop on Quantum Geometry, Field Theory and Gravity
The Quantum Auxiliary Linear Problem & Darboux-Backlund Transformations
A. Doikou* and I. Findlay
*: corresponding author
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Published on: August 18, 2020
We explore the notion of the quantum auxiliary linear problem and the associated problem of quantum Backlund transformations (BT). In this context we systematically construct the analogue of the classical formula that provides the whole hierarchy of the time components of Lax pairs at the quantum level for both closed and open integrable lattice models. The generic time evolution operator formula is particularly interesting and novel at the quantum level when dealing with systems with open boundary conditions. In the same frame we show that the reflection $K$-matrix can also be viewed as a particular type of BT, fixed at the boundaries of the system. The $q$-oscillator ($q$-boson) model, a variant of the Ablowitz-Ladik model, is then employed as a paradigm to illustrate the method. Particular emphasis is given to the time part of the quantum BT as possible connections and applications to the problem of quantum quenches as well as the time evolution of local quantum impurities are evident. A discussion on the use of Bethe states as well as coherent states and the path integral formulation for the study of the time evolution is also presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.376.0210
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