How $N=1$, $D=4$ SYM domain walls look like
D. Sorokin*, I. Bandos and S. Lanza
Published on:
August 18, 2020
We review main features of the pure $\mathcal N=1$, $D=4$ SYM and its effective description by the Veneziano-Yankielowicz generalized sigma-model. We then indicate that the construction of BPS domain walls interpolating between different SYM vacua requires the presence of a dynamical membrane source. We will show how such a membrane is coupled to the SYM and present the explicit form of BPS domain walls which it creates in the Veneziano-Yankielowicz effective theory. In particular, we will describe 1/2 BPS domain wall configurations with $|k|\leq N/3$, where $k$ is the membrane charge that sets the ``distance'' between two distinct SUSY vacua.
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