Dual gravity with $R$ flux from graded Poisson algebra
E. Boffo* and
P. Schupp*: corresponding author
Published on:
August 18, 2020
We suggest a new action for a ``dual'' gravity in a stringy $R$, $Q$ flux background. The construction is based on degree-$2$ graded symplectic geometry with a homological vector field. The structure we consider is non-canonical and features a curvature-free connection. It is known that the data of Poisson structures of degree $2$ with a Hamiltonian correspond to a Courant algebroid on $TM \oplus T^{*}M$, the bundle of generalized geometry. With the bracket for the Courant algebroid and a further bracket which resembles the Lie bracket of vector fields, we get a connection with non-zero curvature for the bundle of generalized geometry. The action is the (almost) Hilbert-Einstein action for that connection.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.376.0140
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