MuPix & ATLASpix: Architectures and Results
A. Schoening*, J. Anders, H. Augustin, M. Benoit, N. Berger, S. Dittmeier, F. Ehrler, A. Fehr, T. Golling, S. Gonzales Sevilla, J. Hammerich, A. Herkert, L. Huth, G. Iacobucci, D. Immig, M. Kiehn, J. Kröger, F. Meier Aeschbacher, A. Meneses, A. Miucci, L.O.S. Noehte, I. Peric, M. Prathapan, T. Rudzki, R. Schimassek, D.M.S. Sultan, L. Vigani, A.L. Weber, M. Weber, W. Wong, E. Zaffaroni and H. Zhanget al. (click to show)
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 03, 2020
Published on: September 14, 2020
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) are based on
a commercial High Voltage CMOS process and collect charge by drift
inside a reversely biased diode. HV-MAPS represent a promising technology for future pixel tracking detectors. Two recent developments are presented. The MuPix has a continuous readout and is being developed for the Mu3e experiment whereas the ATLASPix is being developed for LHC applications with a triggered readout. Both variants have a fully monolithic design including state machines, clock circuitries and serial drivers. Several prototypes and design variants were characterised in the lab and in testbeam campaigns to measure efficiencies, noise, time resolution and radiation tolerance. Results from recent MuPix and ATLASPix prototypes are presented and prospects for future improvements are discussed.
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