HEASA2019 - (other heasa conferences)
28 - 30 August 2019
Swakopmund, Namibia
published April 02, 2021
Entries on ADS

HEASA 2019 was the seventh conference in the annual series "High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa".
Its goal was to bring together scientists from the southern African region, the African continent, and around the world, with an interest in high-energy astrophysical phenomena. Topics discussed include theoretical and multi-wavelength and multi-messenger observational aspects of active galactic nuclei, galaxy systems, gamma-ray bursts, X-ray/gamma-ray binaries, supernovae and supernova remnants, neutron stars, pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae, cataclysmic variables, and modern aspects of astro-particle physics.

HEASA2019 was hosted by the University of Namibia and took place at the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources Auditorium in Swakopmund, August 28 - 30, 2019. It was sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology and the National Research Foundation of South Africa through the South African Gamma-Ray Astronomy Programme (SA-GAMMA) and the University of Namibia‘s Office of the Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Development.

Conference website: https://fskbhe1.puk.ac.za/people/mboett/SAGAMMA/HEASA2019/HEASA2019.html

Editorial Board

  • Michael Backes
    University of Namibia, Department of Physics, Private Bag 13301, Windhoek 10005, Namibia
  • Markus Böttcher
    North-West University, Potchefstroom
  • David Buckley
  • Andrew Chen
    Wits, South Africa
  • Pieter Meintjes
    Department of Physics, University of the Free State, PO Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
  • Soebur Razzaque
    U Johannesburg
conference main image
Front Matter
Modelling I (Chair: Markus Böttcher)
Modelling II (Chair: Markus Böttcher)
Multi-Wavelength (Chair: Michael Backes)
GRBs and Supernovae (Chair: David Buckley)
AGN I (Chair: Garret Cotter)
AGN II (Chair: Eli Kasai)
Large Magellanic Cloud (Chair: Eli Kasai)
Community Engagement (Chair: Soebur Razzaque)
Pulsars, Neutrons stars, XRBs I (Chair: Soebur Razzaque)
Pulsars, Neutrons stars, XRBs II (Chair: Rhodri Evans)
Dark Matter and Fundamental Physics (Chair: Hartmut Winkler)
Instruments (Chair: Nukri Komin)
Front Matter
7th Conference on High Energy Astrophysics in Southern Africa (HEASA2019)
M. Backes, M. Böttcher, D. Buckley, A. Chen, P. Meintjes and S. Razzaque
Welcome by Chair: LOC
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M. Backes
Welcome by University of Namibia
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F.P.L. Kavishe
Welcome by Chair: SA-GAMMA
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M. Böttcher
Welcome by Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation
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L.C. Mundia
Modelling I (Chair: Markus Böttcher)
Broad-band spectra and variability of AGN jets (INVITED)
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G. Cotter
Modelling the Spectral Energy Distribution and Spectropolarimetry of Blazars
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H. Schutte
Effects of the gamma-ray absorption in the broadline region and secondary cascade emission on blazar spectra
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M. Ntshatsha
Radiation from relativistic particles accelerated at shear layers in relativistic jets
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T.B. Chand
Monte-Carlo Simulations of Compton Polarization in Astrophysical Sources
L. Dreyer and M. Böttcher
Modelling II (Chair: Markus Böttcher)
Modelling of synchrotron emission from galaxies and extragalactic radio background
N. Motha and S. Razzaque
Time-scale of Ergosphere Depletion Around a Kerr Black Hole Due to Energy and Angular Momentum Extraction by the Blandford-Znajek Process
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O. Teixeira
Shaken, not stirred: Test particles in binary-black-hole mergers
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P. van der Merwe
Multi-Wavelength (Chair: Michael Backes)
The ThunderKAT programme and Synergies with MeerLICHT (INVITED)
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P.A. Woudt
Multi-wavelength study of large-scale outflows from the Circinus galaxy
R. Ebrahim, A. Chen, D.A. Prokhorov, K. Thorat, G. I.G. Jozsa and P. Serra
GRBs and Supernovae (Chair: David Buckley)
GRBs' Rosseta stone - the sub-TeV emission observed in GRB 190114c (INVITED)
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T. Piran
New insights from early spectra of the bright Nova Vela 1999
H. Winkler and A.M.A. Moeng
Exploiting Morphological Data from Pulsar Wind Nebulae via a Spatio-Temporal Leptonic Transport Code
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C. van Rensuburg
The Coalescence Rate of Neutron Star-White Dwarf Binaries
L. Nyadzani and S. Razzaque
Gamma-Ray Bursts and Gravitational Waves in the Fermi-LIGO/Virgo era
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J. Racusin
AGN I (Chair: Garret Cotter)
High-energy neutrinos from blazar flares (INVITED)
F. Oikonomou
Investigating neutrino productions in Swift J1644+57
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O. Rabyang
Hadronic Synchrotron Mirror Model for blazars - Application to 3C279
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L.L. Oberholzer
Search for high-redshift blazars with Fermi/LAT
M. Kreter, A. Gokus, M. Kadler, F. Krauss, S. Buson, R. Ojha,  on behalf of the Fermi-LAT Collaboration, J. Wilms and M. Böttcher
Highlights from the H.E.S.S. Extragalactic Science Programme
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M. Böttcher
AGN II (Chair: Eli Kasai)
Morphological stury of the TeV emission from 1ES 0414+009 and Centaurus A with H.E.S.S. data (DISSERTATION)
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N. Żywucka
The optical and X-ray properties of a sample of Seyfert galaxies that have undergone significant spectral change
D.T.M. Makope, H. Winkler and F. van Wyk
Analysis of optical Fe II emission with the X-ray properties of a selected sample of I Zw 1 type objects
B. Paul, H. Winkler and S. Potter
Large Magellanic Cloud (Chair: Eli Kasai)
Search for Point-Like TeV Sources in the Large Magellanic Cloud
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N. Komin
Community Engagement (Chair: Soebur Razzaque)
Reaching out to our youth
J.S. Verrall and S. Razzaque
Pulsars, Neutrons stars, XRBs I (Chair: Soebur Razzaque)
Transitional millisecond pulsars (INVITED)
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F. Coti-Zelati
Phase-resolved polarimetry constraints for the white dward pulsar
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L. Du Plessis
Pulsars, Neutrons stars, XRBs II (Chair: Rhodri Evans)
The Mysterious Magnetospheres of Magnetars (INVITED)
M. Baring, Z. Wadiasingh, P.L. Gonthier, A.K. Harding and K. Hu
The Neutron Star Population of the SMC
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J. van Jaarsveld
Observations of X-ray binaries from the SALT transient programme
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D. Buckley
Periodic X-ray and Gamma-ray Emission from Spider Binaries
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C. van der Merwe
Disk reflection Spectroscopy of Black Hole Binaries using AstroSat, Swift and NuSTAR
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S. Chandra
Dark Matter and Fundamental Physics (Chair: Hartmut Winkler)
Extragalactic Background Light Inhomogeneities and Lorentz-Invariance Violation in gamma-gamma absorption (DISSERTATION)
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H. Abdalla
Probing dark matter via neutrino-gamma-ray correlations
Light to intermediate mass nuclei model for ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays
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S. Razzaque
Imaging black hole shadows with the Event Horizon Telescope (INVITED)
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R. Deane
Instruments (Chair: Nukri Komin)
The Africa Millimetre Telescope (INVITED)
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R. Evans
The ASTRI-Horn Dual-Mirror Small-Size Cherenkov Telescope: recent updates, first results and outlook
C. Arcaro and C.A. "for the CTA ASTRI project"
Prospects for X-ray Polarimetry (INVITED)
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H. Marshall
Probing the strength of the intergalactic magnetic field through high-energy gamma ray observations and modelling of hard and non-variable blazar sources
B. Bisschoff, B. van Soelen, P. Meintjes and K.K. Singh
Search for gamma-ray emission from the white dwarf pulsar system AR Sco using the Pass 8 Fermi-LAT data
Q. Kaplan, P. Meintjes, K.K. Singh and H. van Heerden
SALT Redshift Determination of BL Lacs
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E. Kasai
Search for gamma-ray emission from the nova-like variable AE Aquarii using the Fermi-LAT Pass 8 data Archive
S.T. Madzime, P. Meintjes, K.K. Singh and H. van Heerden
The Study of the KAT-7-Discovered Giant Radio Galaxy
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T. Mashile
Multi-wavelength variability studies of flaring Fermi-LAT blazars
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T.S.S. Mbonani
Gamma-gamma absorption in gamma-ray binary systems
D. du Ploy and B. van Soelen
Correlations and lags between X-ray and radio emission of Cyg X-1
J.N.S. Shapopi and A. Zdziarski