PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 369 - The 21st international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators (NuFact2019) - Working Group 5
Status and Plan of ICARUS at Fermilab
J. Yu* and  On behalf of the ICARUS Collaboration
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Published on: June 11, 2020
ICARUS T600 is an experiment that uses the liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber detector. It took data at the underground Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso (LNGS), Italy. After its successful operation in LNGS, the detector was refurbished at CERN and was moved to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the US in 2017. ICARUS T600 will function as the far detector at the Fermilab’s Short Baseline Neutrino (SBN) program which utilizes Fermilab’s booster beam line with high intensity 8GeV protons for neutrino experiments within the Fermilab campus. The primary goals of ICARUS T600 are addressing the anomalies observed in neutrino measurements and search for sterile neutrinos at low energy regime. The detector is in its final stage of installation, and the commissioning will begin shortly after filling the detector with liquid argon. This report discusses the current status and plan of the experiment for physics data taking, as well as its physics prospects.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.369.0112
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