ESS$\nu$SB Linac Design and Beam Dynamics
B. Folsom*, B. Gålnander, M. Eshraqi and A. Farricker
Published on:
June 11, 2020
The ESS neutrino superbeam project is being studied as an upgrade to the European Spallation Source. This would entail the addition of an H$^-$ source to the existing beamline to send H$^-$ pulses in between proton pulses, effectively doubling the beam power from five to ten megawatts. An obstacle to smooth operation is the intra-beam stripping of H$^-$ within bunches; preliminary beam transport simulations are performed to quantify the magnitude of such losses. Recent design work is also reviewed, including the added cavities for increasing beam energy from 2 to 2.5 GeV and favored bunch-pulsing schemes.
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