Analytical reinterpretation of ATLAS dark matter mediator searches with final-state jets
E. Corrigan*
on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
November 08, 2019
Published on:
December 17, 2019
Understanding dark matter (DM) is one of the main challenges in modern high-energy physics and cosmology. Alongside direct and indirect detection experiments, one could also produce and discover DM in collider experiments, assuming there is some interaction between DM and Standard Model particles. One form this interaction could take is one mediated by a new vector or axial-vector boson. Furthermore, if DM can be resonantly produced by such a mechanism, the mediator itself could also be discovered by its decay back into quarks. One such search, using the LHC and the ATLAS detector, for jets with an associated photon in the final state, is described, together with an analytical method for the reinterpretation of non-discovery limits, for model parameters different from those used in simulation.
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