The 29th International Symposium on Lepton Photon Interactions at High Energies will take place in Toronto, Canada between August 5-10, 2019. The Conference follows the tradition of a long series of high energy physics conferences, the International Symposia on Lepton and Photon Interactions at High Energies. The program features plenary sessions covering topics of major interest to the particle physics community. New this year will be two (or three) tracks of parallel sessions for one day, that will provide an opportunity for additional presenters to give a more in-depth presentation of individual physics results. We will also organise poster sessions where additional researchers may present their work.
The conference is hosted by the University of Toronto, and will take place at the Westin Harbour Castle Hotel on the lakefront in downtown Toronto.
Sessions |
Collider SM |
Collider BSM |
Intensity Frontier |
Astroparticle physics |
Traditional talks |
Future Projects |
Parallel Sessions |
Posters |
Collider SM |
Status and Plans for CERN Accelerator Complex
CKM and CP Constraints from B-Decays
New Physics Searches with Top Quarks
Collider BSM |
Rare decays of B-hadrons
Constraints on New Physics from B Mesons
Intensity Frontier |
Atmospheric Neutrinos and Proton Decay
Astroparticle physics |
Cosmological Measurements of Dark Energy and Dark Matter
Multi-messenger searches in astrophysics
Traditional talks |
Outreach Activities in High Energy Physics
Future Projects |
Advances in Particle Detectors
European Particle Physics Strategy Update
Parallel Sessions |
Semileptonic and leptonic D decays at BESIII
Muon collider: the Low EMittance Muon Accelerator (LEMMA) approach
Application of Quantum Machine Learning to High Energy Physics Analysis at LHC using IBM Quantum Computer Simulators and IBM Quantum Computer Hardware
A Generative-Adversarial Network Approach for the Simulation of QCD Dijet Events at the LHC
ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition Upgrades for the High Luminosity LHC
New results from the DANSS experiment
Searches for charged lepton flavor violating muon decay, MEG/MEG II experiment
B lifetime and $B^0-\bar B^0$ mixing results from early Belle II data
Results and future plans of the NEXT double beta decay experiment
Search for Dark Sector Physics at the NA64 experiment in the context of the Physics Beyond Colliders Projects
The Super Charm-Tau Factory in Novosibirsk
Dark Sector Physics with Belle II
First look at time-dependent CP violation using early Belle II data
Recent Neutrino Cross Section Measurements from MicroBooNE
The Phase-II upgrade of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment
Search for lepton-flavour violating and lepton-number violating decays of the $D^0$ meson and observation of $D^0\to K^-\pi^+e^+e^-$
Freeze-in production of dark matter through spin-1 and spin-2 portals
Beyond the Standard Model searches at HERA
Latest Results on the Radiation Tolerance of Diamond Detectors
Beam test results of 3D pixel detectors constructed with poly-crystalline CVD diamond
Search for axion dark matter at IBS/CAPP
Low Radioactivity Argon for Dark Matter and Rare Event Searches
Measurements of the Higgs boson decays to two bottom quarks
Latest results of the STEREO sterile neutrino search at the ILL Grenoble
Physics beyond SM with Kaons at NA62
Direct top-quark decay width measurement at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS experiment
Dispersive Two-Loop Calculations: Methodology and Applications
Subatomic Physics Education and Outreach in Newfoundland
CP violation and mixing in charm with LHCb
CP violation and mixing in beauty with LHCb
The CMS ECAL Upgrade for High Precision Timing and Energy Measurements at HL-LHC
Recent T2K Neutrino Oscillation Results
Precision Timing with the CMS MIP Timing Detector
Searching for resonant HH production at CMS
Evolution of Regional, Age and Gender Demographics in the ATLAS Collaboration
Electroweak Physics with Polarized Beams at SuperKEKB Upgrade
Electric Dipole Moments From Dark Sectors
Multi-component dark matter from a hidden gauged SU(3)
Properties of Primary Cosmic Ray Protons, Helium, Carbon and Oxygen Nuclei Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station
TeV particle direct detection in space - Recent results from the DAMPE mission
Searches for ultra long-lived particles with MATHUSLA
Anisotropy of Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the ISS
Exotic and Conventional Quarkonium Physics Prospects at Belle II
Posters |
Vapour pressure differences of the Xenon Isotopes
Study of the Effects of Radiation at the CERN Gamma Irradiation Facility on the CMS Drift Tubes Muon Detector for the HL-LHC
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory computing requirements and infrastructure
Physics Potential of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory
Performance of the ATLAS tau-lepton trigger at the LHC in Run 2
Dynamic Structure of Hadrons in ChPT
Performance of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter in LHC Run2
Study of Physics Performances at Muon Collider
The ILC as a natural SUSY discovery machine and precision microscope: From light higgsinos to tests of unification
Analytical reinterpretation of ATLAS dark matter mediator searches with final-state jets
Neutrino CP Violation with the European Spallation Source neutrino Super Beam project
Implementation of the ATLAS trigger within the ATLAS Multi-Threaded AthenaMT Framework
Semileptonic B decay results from early Belle II data
T2K-WAGASCI: First physics run of the WAGASCI-BabyMIND detector with full setup
Current Status of LEGEND: Searching for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in $^{76}$Ge
Latest ALICE results on coherent $\mathrm J/\psi$ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb$-$Pb collisions at the LHC
ATLAS Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger for Run 3
Search for invisible decays of the Higgs boson at the ILC
Decay of a bound muon to a bound electron
Search for Exotic Decays with NA62
Study of quark GTMDs for kaon in light-cone quark model
Toward Realistic Implementations of Large Imaging Calorimeters
Exploring the structure of hadronic showers and hadronic energy reconstruction with highly granular calorimeters
Search for Supersymmetry with a compressed mass spectrum in vector boson fusion topology with 1-lepton and 0-lepton final states in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with CMS
Scintillation light production, propagation and detection in the 4-ton dual-phase LAr-TPC demonstrator (data analysis and simulations)
Searches for dark matter and dark energy produced in association with a jet with the ATLAS detector
Observation of new charmonium (-like) decays
Measurement of hadronic cross sections at CMD-3
Current Status of LEGEND: Searching for Neutrinoless Double-Beta Decay in 76Ge. Part II
A proposed five kilo-ton Cherenkov scintillation detector at CJPL
Latest LHCb measurements of semileptonic b-hadron decays
ATLAS Level-0 Endcap Muon Trigger for HL-LHC
The ATLAS Hardware Track Trigger design towards first prototypes
Measurements of the Higgs production cross section in the $H \rightarrow \tau \tau$ decay channel with the ATLAS experiment
ATLAS Muon Trigger performance
Effective Lagrangian Approach to Top Decay via Flavor Changing Neutral Current
Production and electroweak couplings of 3rd generation quarks at the ILC
Calibration and Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter During the LHC Run 2
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC
Communicating ATLAS: adapting to an ever-changing media landscape
Searches for supersymmetry in events with photons at CMS
Search for dark sector via charmonia decay at BESIII
Hadronic charm decays at BESIII
Light detection in DUNE Dual Phase
Searches for additional Higgs bosons at CMS
Luminosity measurement in proton-proton collisions at the CMS experiment
Search for squarks and gluinos in final states with jets and missing transverse momentum at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV using 139 fb$^{-1}$ data with the ATLAS detector
Searching for rare FCNC decays at BESIII
Study of rare decays at CMS
Vertex Reconstruction and Deep Learning Applications in JUNO