Sedenions, the Clifford algebra $\mathbb{C}l(8)$, and three fermion generations
N. Gresnigt
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Pre-published on: June 16, 2020
Published on: November 12, 2020
Recently there has been renewed interest in using tensor products of division algebras, together with their associated Clifford algebras, to identify the structures of the Standard Model. One full generations of leptons and quarks transforming correctly under the electrocolor group $SU(3)_c\otimes U(1)_{em}$ can be described in terms of complex octonion algebra $\mathbb{C}\otimes\mathbb{O}$. By going beyond the division algebras, and considering the larger Cayley-Dickson algebra of sedenions $\mathbb{S}$, this one generation model is extended to exactly three generations. Each generation is contained in an $\mathbb{C}\otimes\mathbb{O}$ subalgebra of $\mathbb{C}\otimes\mathbb{S}$, however these three subalgebras are not independent of one another. This three generation model can be related to an alternative model of three generations based on the exceptional Jordan algebra $J_3(\mathbb{O})$. It is speculated that the shared $\mathbb{C}\otimes\mathbb{H}$ algebra common to all three generations might form a basis for CKM mixing.
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