NNLO QCD fits to extract PDFs from HERA inclusive and jet data
A. Sarkar
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Pre-published on: June 18, 2020
Published on: November 12, 2020
The HERAPDF2.0 family, introduced in 2015, is completed
with fits HERAPDF2.0Jets NNLO (prel.) based on inclusive
HERA data and selected jet production data.
The result of a fit with the strong coupling constant, $\alpha_s(M^2_Z)$, free is
$\alpha_s(M^2_Z) = 0.1150 \pm 0.0008{\rm (exp)} ^{+0.0002}_{-0.0005}$
(model/parameterisation) $\pm 0.0006{\rm (hadronisation)} \pm 0.0027 {\rm (scale)}$.
Sets of parton density functions, PDFs, from fits with fixed
$\alpha_s(M^2_Z) = 0.115$ and $\alpha_s(M^2_Z)$ = 0.118 are presented and compared
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.364.0464
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