Status of ProtoDUNE Dual Phase
C. Cuesta Soria* and On behalf of the DUNE Collaboration
Pre-published on:
June 10, 2020
Published on:
November 12, 2020
The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is a dual-site experiment for long baseline neutrino oscillation studies, and for neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. DUNE will comprise four 10 kton fiducial liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LAr TPC) modules placed at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (South Dakota, USA). One of these modules will profit form the dual phase (DP) technology where the charge is extracted, amplified, and detected in gaseous argon above the liquid surface allowing a fine readout pitch, a low energy threshold, and good pattern reconstruction of the events. To gain experience in building and operating such a large-scale DP LAr detector, a prototype is currently being assembled at the CERN Neutrino Platform. The ProtoDUNE-DP detector consists of a 6x6x6 m3 LAr TPC and commissioning started in Summer 2019.
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