Nonfactorizable charm-loop effects in exclusive FCNC B-decays
D. Melikhov* and
A. Kozachuk*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
October 09, 2020
Published on:
November 12, 2020
This talk presents our recent results [1] on nonfactorizable charm-loop contributions to the amplitudes of rare exclusive $B$-decays induced by flavour-changing neutral currents (FCNC). We show that such contributions induced by a soft-gluon emission from the charm-quark loop may be expressed via three-particle quark-antiquark-gluon distribution amplitude (3DA) of the $B$-meson, $\langle 0|\bar q(x)G_{\mu\nu}(y)b(0)|B(p)\rangle$, and the knowledge of the full functional dependence of the latter quantity on the variable $(x-y)^2$ is necessary for a proper summation of potentially large terms $O\left(\left(\Lambda_{QCD}m_b/m_c^2\right)^n\right)$ in the amplitudes of FCNC $B$-decays.
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