Measurement of single and multiple cosmic muons at high altitudes with the MEV telescope
F. Riggi*, D. Bonanno, G. Gallo, P.L. Rocca, F. Longhitano, D.L. Presti and C. Pinto
Pre-published on:
October 12, 2020
Published on:
November 12, 2020
An experimental investigation of single and multiple muon tracks detected by the MEV (Muography of Etna Volcano) cosmic ray telescope has been carried out during a commissioning phase of the project. The MEV telescope, which is based on three 1x1 m2 tracking planes segmented into scintillator strips with wavelength fibers and PMT readout, has been installed at an altitude of about 3100 m a.s.l., in front of the North-East Etna crater, since the summer of 2017. The analysis of a first sample of data, taken during a period of approximately two months in 2017, has been carried out to investigate the angular distribution of cosmic muons both from the open sky side and through a large solid rock thickness (Etna side). Due to the orientation of the MEV telescope even the anisotropy caused by the East-West effect could be observed, obtaining the East-West asymmetry parameter in small steps of the zenithal angle, from about 45° to 70°.
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