DAΦNE is a lepton collider working at the energy of the φ-meson resonance, it became operational in 2000. It provided data in consecutive data-taking periods for the KLOE, DEAR and FINUDA experiments until 2006. Since 2007 it implements a new interaction scheme, the so-called “Crab-Waist” collision scheme. It is the only machine that had successfully operated this collision scheme with and without large experiment with solenoids in 2009 with the SIDDHARTA experiment and between 2014 and 2018 with the KLOE-2 experiment, respectively. It will continue operating for PADME (just using the upgraded Linac) and for Siddharta-2 in 2019-2020.
Currently only few accelerator test facilities exists: the ATF2 (KEK), a top-class facility designed for the development of the International Linear Collider, CLASSE(Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Science and Education), a centre of excellence in the development of accelerator technologies located in an university campus, and ANKA (Karlsruhe), devoted to R&D of machines and applied research. The proposal of DAΦNE as a test facility (DAΦNE-TF) for accelerator physics and technology development has been presented as an open call for ideas culminated in the organization of a topical workshop in December 2018.
Several lines of technological research have been identified so far for DAΦNE-TF: i) Study of low SEY (Secondary Electron Yield) elements and impedances, graphitization of chambers and other surface treatment technologies; ii) New components for accelerators (vacuum chambers,
collimators, masks, kickers) and innovative beam diagnostic techniques; iii) Accelerator components realized with 3D printers; iv) High power solid state RF amplifiers; v) Wide-excursion adjustable permanent magnets; vi) High-power positron sources; vii) Components for future SLED and pulse flatness compensation; viii) Emittance manipulators; ix) Beams interacting with amorphous materials, crystals, lasers, plasma; x) Testing new methods to generate terahertz coherent radiation.
In this contribution, a selection of the different activities proposed during a dedicated workshop held in Frascati Laboratories in December 2018 will be summarized.