Determining the glue component of the nucleon
R. Horsley*, T. Howson, W. Kamleh, Y. Nakamura, H. Perlt, P.E.L. Rakow, G. Schierholz, H. Stuben, R.D. Young, J.M. Zanotti on behalf of QCDSF-UKQCD-CSSM collaboration
Pre-published on:
January 17, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
Computing the gluon component of momentum in the nucleon is a difficult and computationally expensive problem, as the matrix element involves a quark-line-disconnected gluon operator which suffers from ultra-violet fluctuations. But also necessary for a successful determination is the non-perturbative renormalisation of this operator. As a first step we investigate here this renormalisation in the RI-MOM scheme. Using quenched QCD as an example, a statistical signal is obtained in a direct calculation using an adaption of the Feynman-Hellmann technique.
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