Disconnected Loop Subtraction Methods in Lattice QCD
T. Whyte*, S. Baral, P. Lashomb, W. Wilcox and R.B. Morgan
Pre-published on:
January 05, 2020
Published on:
August 27, 2020
Noise subtraction methods are a set of techniques that aim to reduce the variance of signals in LQCD which are often flooded with noise. The standard approach is a pertubative subtraction. In this work, we demonstrate the abilities of our new noise subtraction methods with methods which show considerable improvement over pertubative subtraction in the reduction of the variance for the set of LQCD operators that were studied. The methods were tested at $\kappa_{crit}$ on quenched configurations, as well as on dynamical quark configurations at $\kappa = 0.1453$. A significant improvement in the reduction of operator variance was observed in both cases
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.363.0122
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